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Walter Benjamin suggests that only with ruination can an object’s truth be laid bare. The 2015 destruction of the Baalshamin Temple in Palmyra, Syria was felt as a shattering in the continuum of history. In truth, it is the next phase in a 2,000-year cycle of ruination and rebuilding – a human fight for permanence within a transient existence.
Walter Benjamin suggests that only with ruination can an object’s truth be laid bare. The 2015 destruction of the Baalshamin Temple in Palmyra, Syria was felt as a shattering in the continuum of history. In truth, it is the next phase in a 2,000-year cycle of ruination and rebuilding – a human fight for permanence within a transient existence.
Medium: Installation (nine prints) - etchings with relief roll
Dimensions: 44 x 29.5 cm each