BLOOM | Group exhibition
CERTAIN CHAIRS | Gary Campbell
7 November - 15 December 2019
Opening night: 6-8pm Friday 8 November
Opening speaker: Olga Sankey
Each of the 13 artists has responded to the title of the exhibition in a way that reflects their artistic practice.
This diverse exhibition includes works which celebrate the colours and foliage of particular plants and others that explore our connection with plant life through cultural rituals and attributed symbolic meanings. Others focus on the formal properties of leaf and flower shapes and the branches of favourite trees to create intricate and delicate surface patterns.
The exhibition consists of works on paper, paintings, ceramics and sculpture.
Barrie Goddard, Betty Smart, Brigid Noone, Christine McCormack, Deborah Sleeman, Helen Fuller, Llewelyn Ash, Nick Dridan, Olga Sankey, Samone Turnbull, Silvana Angelakis, Sue Michael and Yasmin Grass
An exhibition to honour the late Gary Campbell
It feels as if the environment I am exploring has turned itself inside out and is looking back at itself and wondering…
Gallery opening times: 11am-5pm Thursday to Saturday & 1-5pm Sunday