Habitat | Where sound and vision meet

Habitat is a unique audio-visual exhibition combining the work of nine Australian printmakers with corresponding interpretive soundscapes by curator and sound artist Jay-Dea Lopez. The inclusion of sound adds another layer to the ink on the artists’ paper, enhancing the accessibility of the prints for the viewer. Print and sound combine to reflect the spaces that we inhabit. Listen as the images unveil themselves to the ear.

Habitat aims to trigger questions about how the notions of place and identity are formed through sight and sound.

Artists: GW Bot, Jan Davis, Rona Green, Alexi Keywan, Martin King, Bruce Latimer, Melissa Smith, Graham Fransella, Travis Paterson and Jay-Dea Lopez.

Sojourn | Prints from artist residencies across four national cultures
Geoff Gibbons, Mei Sheong Wong, Beth Evans, Grace Myers

From Norway and Hungary to Venice and China, each location has a long history of established printmaking traditions that underpin the national culture. These artists reveal their responses to new landscapes and cultures through the medium of prints.

Opening times: 11am-5pm Thursday to Saturday & 1-5pm Sunday