Bruce Latimer
“Bruce Latimer’s etchings present dreamlike combinations of human artefacts placed in incongruous settings. They are filled with sonic possibilities. Sleeping Bag is a nocturnal scene merging images of real objects, a fountain and a sleeping bag, amongst a number of fig tree roots. It is as though we are quietly floating in the layers of Latimer’s subconscious. The sounds accompanying this therefore needed to be equally as subtle. Rather than include real field recordings of a forest at night I decided to extend Latimer’s artifice by working with synthesised sound. I created high-pitched wavering tones and then mixed them with small tinkling beats. The contrast in sounds move the listener between the imagined life that exists on the forest floor and the air circulating through the forest canopy. Heart Throb depicts a beehive attached to a banksia tree. As the title suggests, the hive appears to be a heart throbbing independently from its surrounds. In this work I added sound to suggest life beyond the scope of the print. Viewing the print we now hear the rumble of thunder int he distance and insects gnawing their way through the tree bark. The focus shifts away from the heart to the structure supporting its growth.”
Jay-Dea Lopez

Heart Throb
44 x 89 cm

Sleeping Bag
35 x 44 cm