Nicholas Elliott
Nicholas Elliott is an Adelaide born painter, who studied Fine Arts, Art History and Classical Archaeology in Adelaide, followed by private study of Painting in Europe.
His early work involved an intensive exploration of drawing and works on paper, developing into large scale lyrical abstraction employing broad abstract vocabulary. The paintings are resolutely non-narrative, often monochrome, and could be read as both surface and atmosphere, employing multi layering to reveal the image as a found object.
His painting moved towards a less dense, more syncretic and open approach to further developing the vocabulary of abstract painting. The genesis of Nicholas’s images lie in a deepening of his drawing practice were ideas are recycled and developed without respect to linear development.
Elliott’s express wish is to reinstate empathy/feeling or ‘feeling into’ painting. His painting practice now centres on the ‘approach to painting ‘, painting as an inceptive process informed by life’s ultimate brevity. His drive is to continue the search that does not know where it will arrive.
Oil on canvas
152.5 x 122cm
Blue Cabal
Oil on canvas
152.5 x 122cm