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There were two elderly ladies who made posies of garden flowers for every patient in the Booleroo Centre District Hospital, in the Mid North of South Australia. They lived in the neighbouring town of Melrose, and deliveries were made on Tuesdays. They were simple posies…using hardy plants that would thrive in the harsher conditions that drought and frosts would bring. There is a Mid North stream of thought from my family that a house is not a home until the flowers are on the tables. This series shows simple arrangements are ‘enough.’ I am only sorry I have not showcased a close-up view of a vase of roses…for those blooms found in Booleroo Centre are the size of dinner plates! We must be alert to the gifts inherent within place.
There were two elderly ladies who made posies of garden flowers for every patient in the Booleroo Centre District Hospital, in the Mid North of South Australia. They lived in the neighbouring town of Melrose, and deliveries were made on Tuesdays. They were simple posies…using hardy plants that would thrive in the harsher conditions that drought and frosts would bring. There is a Mid North stream of thought from my family that a house is not a home until the flowers are on the tables. This series shows simple arrangements are ‘enough.’ I am only sorry I have not showcased a close-up view of a vase of roses…for those blooms found in Booleroo Centre are the size of dinner plates! We must be alert to the gifts inherent within place.
Fancy Clock with Bloom (detail)
Acrylic on board
30 x 40cm
Patterned Carpet with Bloom (detail)
Acrylic on board
30 x 40cm
Aqua Tiles with Blooms (detail)
Acrylic on board
30 x 40cm
Buttery Kitchen with Blooms (detail)
Acrylic on board
30 x 40cm
Orange Chairs with Bloom (detail)
Acrylic on board
30 x 40cm