Vicki Reynolds
My work in Commorancy stems from my residencies in Fabriano, Italy. Fabriano was one of the earliest places in Europe to make high-quality paper on an industrial scale, starting in the 13th century, and the town still has a reputation for fine watermarked paper. This led to Fabriano's prosperity in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It is a walled city that now in the 21 century has a greater suburban and industrial expanse. My residencies have taken place in the Museo della Carta e della Filligrano – Museum of Paper and Watermarks in Fabriano.
My work is inspired by the architecture within the 13th-century walled city especially the grotesque architectural ornaments, metal door knockers which were hand made by black smiths and by animal imagery in historic frescoes and early majolica ceramics. The paper is handmade by myself in Fabriano and back in Australia. The botanical nature prints are an ongoing project in which I have printed weeds found in Fabriano from the seasons of my residency and then on return to Australia printed the Australian weed equivalent, I have completed winter and Spring and hope to complete summer and Autumn on further residencies.

Rotondo Gargouille
Linocut, handmade paper
30 x 20 cm

Linocut, handmade paper
30 x 20 cm

Ercolano Pesce
Linocut, handmade paper
30 x 20 cm